Monday, December 19, 2011

You better watch out, you better not cry...

I took Dominic to see Santa today.  I was a little worried about going because: 1) it's less than a week until Christmas and 2) it was raining all day and the mall near us is outdoors.  I think the rain worked to my advantage because there was no line. 

Dominic must have sensed I was going to hand him over to the big guy, because he got nervous immediately.  Seeing Dominic's trepidation, Santa asked if I wanted to be in the picture.  I said we could see how it goes at first, and then I can get in the picture.  Santa said, "No, we better do it the other way around.  Once it's over, it's over."  That Santa is a smart guy.  He was so right.  I sat for the first several pictures, during which the photographer was jumping around and playing peek-a-boo.  Dominic was slightly amused, but she said he only half-smiled once and she missed it.  Next, I got up and handed him to Santa.  He cried immediately and did not calm completely until we left the "workshop".  Santa knew there would be no recovery if we had reversed the order.  I guess he's done this a few times.  

Here are the three pictures I got on CD (for the outrageous price of $30, eek)

 That last one is my favorite.  I can't help it, I think he's so cute when he cries.


  1. The last one is pretty classic! Cute scarf, btw.

  2. He looks darn cheerful in #1 - kudos to the photographer :-)
